Full stack data expert and urban planning enthusiast.

Hey! I'm Miles Freeborn. I am a data professional with a focus on the intersection of analytics and urban planning

Full Stack Data Expert

Multimedia Communicator

Urban Planning Enthusiast

I have professional accreditation and hands on work experience in all three pillars of the data ecosystem: data engineering, data visualization, and data science

I consulted, taught, and implemented Tableau to some of the world's biggest brands. With that came live presentations, video tutorials, and documentation, which I've used to best fit my audiences needs

I tell stories about problems in the world of urban planning and sustainability through an analytics lens in YouTube videos, blog posts, and Tableau Public Visualizations

My Work

What Would Happen If New York Defunded The Subway? [Video Essay]

I broke down why the $18 billion that goes into the subway annually is actually a really good deal for New York, considering what would happen if even a fraction of those riders decided to purchase cars instead. It has since gathered over 8,000 views on YouTube

Brooklyn's Untapped Biking Potential [Blog Post]

I outline a compelling case for why Brooklyn needs to dramatically expand its bike infrastructure, though data I pulled from Google Maps API, NYC Open Data, and NYC.Gov. The blog was featured on Bike New York’s Twitter, a biking advocacy group with over 25,000 followers.

Rent Vs Income: A Two Decade Analysis [Tableau Viz]

I sought to answer what counties have become the most and the least affordable in the past twenty years, when accounting for changes in income and inflation compared to fair market rent. The data was pulled via APIs from HUD, BEA, & BLS and prepped in Python


About Me

Hi there, I’m Miles Freeborn, a data “swiss army knife” with a love for breaking down complex topics in the data world to help everyday people understand them.

You didn’t need a 30 minute onboarding demonstration to use the iPhone or the Starbucks app, and you shouldn’t need one for your analytics dashboards or data science projects.

I have a unique presentation style that focuses on minimizing jargon, and using visual cues, which I developed through my 5 years of presenting to some of the biggest retail brands in the world.

In recent years, I’ve developed a love for urban planning and sustainability. I want to help make cities more affordable, more community oriented, and more resilient to future climate challenges.

Credentials and Accolades

Solutions Engineer At

Tableau For 5 Years

2021 Solutions Engineer

Of The Year, Retail

Bachelors Of Science

Economics At Tulane

Data Science And ML

Specialization At UT

Data Engineer Program

At WeCloudData

Contact Me





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